Cato Unbound:”Data about Free Speech and Violence”
Not for nothing is Jeremy Waldron known as a rigorous thinker who poses, grapples with,…
Not for nothing is Jeremy Waldron known as a rigorous thinker who poses, grapples with,…
Jonathan Rauch urges a reconsideration of what social media are: Rather than neutral conduits for…
Anthony Leaker characterizes the recent free speech “crisis” as mythical. It is the product of…
Is free speech in danger? Jeremy Waldron sounds a skeptical note, and he offers a…
The disruptive effects of the internet and social media on the spread of information are…
Jacob Mchangama describes what he terms a “cross-fertilization of censorship,” in which regimes both free…
A conversation w/ Jacob Mchangama, Host of ‘Clear and Present Danger: A History of Free…
The center-right Danish government, whose members defended the Mohammed cartoons, has passed more laws restricting…