Robert Sharp:”Two Conceptions of Free Speech in Ancient Athens”
I’m really enjoying ‘Clear and Present Danger: The Free Speech Podcast’hosted by Jacob Mchangama. Its a…
I’m really enjoying ‘Clear and Present Danger: The Free Speech Podcast’hosted by Jacob Mchangama. Its a…
The Danes have joined the French, Belgians and Austrians in outlawing full face coverings -…
In episode 11 we continue to survey the wreckage after hurricane Luther was unleashed on…
listen to Jacob Mchangmas guest appearance in FIREs (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) podcast…
Director Jacob Mchangamas Keynote speech at FIRE Student Network Summer Conference 2018. “In a situation where…
Not long ago, the idea that free speech and democracy were in retreat would have…
Government proposes 22 new assimilation measures designed to force new migrants to assume Danish values…
Not for nothing is Jeremy Waldron known as a rigorous thinker who poses, grapples with,…
Jonathan Rauch urges a reconsideration of what social media are: Rather than neutral conduits for…
Anthony Leaker characterizes the recent free speech “crisis” as mythical. It is the product of…