Cato Unbound:”Some Questions for Jacob Mchangama”
Is free speech in danger? Jeremy Waldron sounds a skeptical note, and he offers a…
Is free speech in danger? Jeremy Waldron sounds a skeptical note, and he offers a…
The disruptive effects of the internet and social media on the spread of information are…
Jacob Mchangama describes what he terms a “cross-fertilization of censorship,” in which regimes both free…
A conversation w/ Jacob Mchangama, Host of ‘Clear and Present Danger: A History of Free…
The center-right Danish government, whose members defended the Mohammed cartoons, has passed more laws restricting…
Time and place: The FSN Summer Conference will take place at the National Constitution Center…
Our last stop in the Middle Ages is an interview with professor Christine Caldwell Ames,…
For around six decades after WWII ideas, laws and institutions supporting free expression spread across…
From the High Middle Ages, Europe developed into a “persecuting society,” obsessed with stamping out…
In our second expert opinion episode, Jacob Mchangama talks with Peter Adamson, who is…