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Justitia i medierne @en

…Tænketanken Justitia advarer mod at give Finanstilsynets lov til at udskrive administrative bøder i million-klassen for brud på hvidvaskreglerne og kalder det netop fremsatte lovforslag ”retssikkerhedsmæssigt meget betænkeligt” og ”ikke acceptabel i en retsstat”. Andre jurister deler ikke bekymringen og henviser til, at andre myndigheder har samme beføjelser. Læs hele artiklen her….

Justitia i medierne @en

Justitias Jacob Mchangama forklarer i Time Magazine, at Danmarks og Sveriges planer om at kriminalisere koranafbrændinger varsler en mere dyster fremtid, hvor demokratiets grundlæggende rettigheder skal ligge under for religiøse doktriner: “On the one hand, there are good reasons to be critical of book burnings. It is a poor substitute for reasoned debate and one that will forever be associated with totalitarian states, such as Nazi Germany, in o…

Justitia i medierne @en

Aflyttet handler om digitaliseringsklar lovgivning, et projekt, der er bred politisk enighed om er godt, og som alle partier har store forventninger til, i det som kaldes ‘det digitale samfund, Danmark’. Men hvad ER et digitalt samfund? Og hvad er det for et Danmark, der bor der? Bliver verden mere retfærdig, fordi en beslutning tages automatisk? Og hvad gør det ved os, som Danskere i det digitale samfund, at vi er overvåget og kontrolleret konst…

Press Coverage

In Time Magazine, Jacob Mchangama explains how Denmark and Sweden’s plans to criminalise Quran burnings forebode a future in which democratic states willingly yield their fundamental principles to religious dogmatism. “On the one hand, there are good reasons to be critical of book burnings. It is a poor substitute for reasoned debate and one that will forever be associated with totalitarian states, such as Nazi Germany, in our collective history….

Danmark som retsstat @en

…icules or insults the dogmas or worship of any lawfully existing religious community”. Denmark is recognized as a global leader when it comes to the protection of human rights and freedom of expression. However, Denmark’s blasphemy ban is manifestly inconsistent with the Danish tradition for frank and open debate, and puts Denmark in the same category as illiberal states where blasphemy laws are being used to silence dissent and persecute minoriti…

Freedom rights

…icules or insults the dogmas or worship of any lawfully existing religious community”. Denmark is recognized as a global leader when it comes to the protection of human rights and freedom of expression. However, Denmark’s blasphemy ban is manifestly inconsistent with the Danish tradition for frank and open debate, and puts Denmark in the same category as illiberal states where blasphemy laws are being used to silence dissent and persecute minoriti…

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