Webinar on freedom of expression and privacy on social media.


The Future Free Speech are invting you to morning webinar on freedom of expression and privacy on social media.

The webinar will take place on Friday, April 21st, from 9:00 to 10:30 am (CEST) online.

Please register for online participation

Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of freedom of expression and freedom of information understood as the right to seek, receive, and impart information according to human rights law.

Journalism is impacted by the presence and intermediation of large technological companies, since journalists and different types of media entities use social media both as a publishing/distribution platform and as a source of information to perform their activities. Social media may also provide a platform for those who engage in unprofessional and unethical practices, as well as other malicious actors disseminating illegal or harmful content, including content that might negatively affect the right to privacy. All these aspects have significant ethical and legal implications.

What happens in the social media space has an impact on the formation of public opinion. This brings to this new territory already existing media regulation and self-regulation debates on matters including ethical standards, use of sources, respect for privacy and data protection, among many others.

Freedom of expression and privacy may come in conflict on any platform, including the online space. Conflicts between the two rights have been addressed numerous times in the case law of the ECtHR, which has developed an elaborate jurisprudence focusing on whether the domestic authorities struck a fair balance between the two rights.



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