BBC: A controversa lei alemã que inspira projeto de lei das Fake News


The trend that Justitia pin-pointed, in our 2019 report on how the German NetzDG law has become a reference around the world, is continuing. Brazil is currently in the process of adopting a fake news law copying large parts from the German NetzDG law.

Read more on BBC Brazil here.

From the article:

Tendo sido a primeira regulação mais dura sobre redes sociais em um país democrático, a NetzDG se tornou referência pelo mundo. Segundo levantamento do centro de pesquisa dinamarquês Justitia, ao menos 13 países e a União Europeia já adotaram leis inspiradas na alemã, sendo cinco nações classificadas pela organização americana Freedom House como “não livres” no campo da internet: Honduras, Venezuela, Vietnã, Rússia e Belarus.

“Estados autoritários estão copiando e colando leis não liberais elaboradas por democracias liberais. Enquanto o objetivo inicial da Alemanha era conter o ódio online, a NetzDG forneceu um plano de censura na internet que está sendo usado para combater a dissidência e o pluralismo”, acusa Jacob Mchangama, Diretor Executivo da Justitia e coautor do relatório.

Losely translated:

Having been the first toughest regulation on social networks in a democratic country, NetzDG has become a reference around the world. According to a survey by the Danish research center Justitia , at least 13 countries and the European Union have already adopted laws inspired by the German one, with five nations classified by the American organization Freedom House as “not free” in the field of internet: Honduras, Venezuela, Vietnam, Russia and Belarus.

“Authoritarian states are copying and pasting non-liberal laws drafted by liberal democracies. While Germany’s initial goal was to contain online hatred, NetzDG has provided an internet censorship plan that is being used to combat dissent and pluralism,” he said. Jacob Mchangama, Executive Director of Justitia and co-author of the report.


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