OSCE: Internet freedom an imperative frontline for free expression and free media, OSCE conference participants say


Direktør Jacob Mchangama var hovedtaler på OSCE’s konference: “Gaining a Digital Edge: Freedom of Expression”:

Keynote speaker Jacob Mchangama, Founder and Director of the Danish think-tank Justitia, said that it has become clear that the Internet’s initial promise of a globally connected world with a free flow of information and opinions has been severely undermined.

“New restrictions are mushrooming with increasing levels and layers of online censorship, restrictions and penalties,” Mchangama said. “Internet freedom remains one of the most important frontlines in a wider global battle of values over the limits of free speech that could have a huge impact on the global development of democratization, innovation, creativity, education and of course the wider freedom enjoyed by citizens all over the world.”

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