Reason: The World Loves Free Speech—Except When They’re Offended
Americans oppose restrictions, but report feeling less free to speak about political matters. Freedom of…
Americans oppose restrictions, but report feeling less free to speak about political matters. Freedom of…
The Justitia Free Speech Index maps attitudes towards hot button issues such as regulation of social…
Den 4. marts 2021 trådte de mest omfattende ændringer af konkurrenceloven i nyere tid i…
Who cares about free speech? Almost everyone, according to a new global survey commissioned by Justitia (of which I…
WESTERNERS TEND to regard freedom of speech as a universal good. However, a forthcoming report…
For immediate release: A new survey reveals that most people and nations strongly support free…
Det er på en måde et enormt psykologisk eksperiment, når man giver en befolkning ytringsfrihed.…
Frihed eller tryghed? Formel frihed eller reel frihed? Danmarks justitsminister Nick Hækkerup tørnede mandag sammen…
Nye detaljer i FE-Skandalen stiller spørgsmålstegn ved tilsynet med efterretningstjenesternes beføjelser og rammer. Se indslaget…
Paul MacDonnell talks with Jacob Mchangama about the post-WWII history of attempts to constrain hateful…