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…offentlige sektor yder service og velfærd på. Ny teknologi forventes at skabe effektivitet og løse mange andre problemer. Det er dog sjældent, at hensynet til borgernes retssikkerhed og menneskerettigheder får den samme opmærksomhed eller prioritet. Det vil Justitias repræsentation i SIRI-kommissionen være med til at sikre. Det er oplagt, at vores offentlige myndigheders ligesom erhvervslivet skal udnytte det enorme potentiale, der ligger digital…


…“Bliver for mange voldtægtssager afgjort i det administrative system, frem for ved domstolene? Det synes jeg vi skal overveje.” Justitias vicedirektør Birgitte Arent Eirikssons oplæg til høring i Retsudvalget om efterforskning og sagsbehandling i voldtægtssager kan ses her: Birgittes indlæg starter 2:27:17 Se Powerpoint præsentation her: Retssikkerhed i voldtægtssager  …

Justitia i medierne

…Direktør Jacob Mchangama fra tænketanken Justitia skrev i Berlingske, at minksagen viser, at grundlovens idealer stadig lever i befolkningen. Men den indeholder også en advarsel. Hvis vi kun kerer os om retssikkerhed og retsstatsprincipper, når det er naboen, det går udover, risikerer den konkrete forankring af demokratiske principper at erodere.…


…et, se det fulde program og se hvordan du søger om optagelse på Din ansøgning skal indeholde en motiveret ansøgning for, hvorfor du vil gå på Justitia Akademiet, CV samt karakterudskrifter. Ansøgningen skal sendes til Der er kun plads til 25 studerende hvert semester. Justitia udvælger efter ansøgningsfristen de 25 studerende, og du vil således kunne forvente svar om, hvorvidt du er optaget…

Justitia i medierne

…Over the past decade, there has been a global decline in respect for freedom of expression. And Europe’s democracies — traditionally understood to be places in which these rights are both honored and protected — have not been immune. Read the latest piece by director Jacob Mchangama on

Press Coverage

…Over the past decade, there has been a global decline in respect for freedom of expression. And Europe’s democracies — traditionally understood to be places in which these rights are both honored and protected — have not been immune. Read the latest piece by director Jacob Mchangama on

Justitia i medierne

…usly marginalized groups. At the same time, however, extremism, hatred and abuse have become part and parcel of this reality. This has led to enhanced pressure on platforms from users, civil society organizations, advertisers and, importantly, from governments. In May, France passed legislation compelling social media companies to remove ‘manifestly illicit’ hate speech within 24 hours. Companies which do not comply with this requirement would fac

Press Coverage

…alized groups. At the same time, however, extremism, hatred and abuse have become part and parcel of this reality. This has led to enhanced pressure on platforms from users, civil society organizations, advertisers and, importantly, from governments. In May, France passed legislation compelling social media companies to remove ‘manifestly illicit’ hate speech within 24 hours. Companies which do not comply with this requirement would face fines of…


…y have countless people risked death and imprisonment to express their beliefs? Jacob Mchangama guides you through the history of free speech from the trial of Socrates to the Great Firewall. You can subscribe and listen to Clear and Present Danger on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, YouTube, TuneIn, and Stitcher, or download episodes directly from SoundCloud. Stay up to date with Clear and Present Danger on the show’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Emai…

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