Search Results: (245)


…esprocenter i klagesager på det sociale område fordelt på kommuneniveau, Read More Høringssvar: Tilbagerulning af skærpede krav til kommunalbestyrelsens behandling af danmarkskortet m.v. 16. august, 2024 Høringssvar: Tilbagerulning af skærpede krav til kommunalbestyrelsens behandling af danmarkskortet m.v. 13. august, 2024 Jyllands-Posten: Én bestemt bemærkning skaber bekymring omkring politiets nye våben Tænketank er ikke udelt begejstret for jus…


…Christian is working as a student employee and his main focus is fundraising and communication….


…the Danish Institute for Human Rights and UNICEF, where he contributed to analyses and publications on topics related to the rule of law, human rights, and democratic processes. Badse is known for his interdisciplinary approach and commitment to promoting the understanding of human rights in Danish society….


…ension og øvrige udgifter afholdes af advokatvirksomheden Justitia stiller computer og arbejdsplads til rådighed Et uddannelsesforløb med rammerne for udstationeringsforløbet, arbejdsopgaver mm, aftales mellem Justitia, advokatvirksomheden eller revisions- og rådgivningsvirksomhed og den udstationerede forud for udstationeringen.   Læs mere om fordele og krav i forbindelse med udstationeringsordningen her Det siger de om udstationeringsordningen h…


…speech from ancient to modern times. In this well-researched and highly readable book, Copenhagen-based writer Mchangama, host of the podcast series Clear and Present Danger: A History of Free Speech, traces the history of free speech around the world, examining the views of both its advocates and its suppressors. The author effectively demonstrates how much we have gained by the spread of free speech as well as what we stand to lose if we allow…

Press Coverage

…speech from ancient to modern times. In this well-researched and highly readable book, Copenhagen-based writer Mchangama, host of the podcast series Clear and Present Danger: A History of Free Speech, traces the history of free speech around the world, examining the views of both its advocates and its suppressors. The author effectively demonstrates how much we have gained by the spread of free speech as well as what we stand to lose if we allow…

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