Search Results: (245)


communal hate speech and blasphemy How prominent Indian nationalists like Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi were convicted of sedition How Gandhi gave a stirring defense of the fundamental value of free speech when tried for sedition How Indians in East Africa collaborated with Africans in spreading anti-colonial dissent in Indian owned newspapers and publications, How African nationalists protesting racist policies and exploitation were exi…


…that typically target false information, have taken during the crisis. How bad the situation has become for free expression in Europe because of corona-related restrictions. Which types of restrictions that are particularly worrying and which countries that are of specific concern. If combating misinformation is vital during this crisis, why is it a problem if states adopt exceptional measures? Article 10 paragraph 2 of the European Convention on…


…that typically target false information, have taken during the crisis. How bad the situation has become for free expression in Europe because of corona-related restrictions. Which types of restrictions that are particularly worrying and which countries that are of specific concern. If combating misinformation is vital during this crisis, why is it a problem if states adopt exceptional measures? Article 10 paragraph 2 of the European Convention on…

Justitia i medierne

…Tænketanken Justitia advarer mod at give Finanstilsynets lov til at udskrive administrative bøder i million-klassen for brud på hvidvaskreglerne og kalder det netop fremsatte lovforslag ”retssikkerhedsmæssigt meget betænkeligt” og ”ikke acceptabel i en retsstat”. Andre jurister deler ikke bekymringen og henviser til, at andre myndigheder har samme beføjelser. Læs hele artiklen her….

Justitia i medierne

…ns to be critical of book burnings. It is a poor substitute for reasoned debate and one that will forever be associated with totalitarian states, such as Nazi Germany, in our collective history. But however noxious the ideas of the far-right protestors who torch Qurans, they are not state agents, they are not speaking for the government, nor do they have the power to censor or discriminate. They are private individuals whose non-violent symbolic e…

Justitia i medierne

…des ‘det digitale samfund, Danmark’. Men hvad ER et digitalt samfund? Og hvad er det for et Danmark, der bor der? Bliver verden mere retfærdig, fordi en beslutning tages automatisk? Og hvad gør det ved os, som Danskere i det digitale samfund, at vi er overvåget og kontrolleret konstant i et system, der satser på at automatisere mange af de afgørelser, der vedrører os? I studiet: Rasmus Hammer-Jakobsen, Politisk konsulent i DANSK IT, Birgitte Kofod…

Press Coverage

…ns to be critical of book burnings. It is a poor substitute for reasoned debate and one that will forever be associated with totalitarian states, such as Nazi Germany, in our collective history. But however noxious the ideas of the far-right protestors who torch Qurans, they are not state agents, they are not speaking for the government, nor do they have the power to censor or discriminate. They are private individuals whose non-violent symbolic e…

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