The Daily Beast: U.K.’s Crackdown on Anti-Royal Protests Makes U.S. Free Speech Look Good
British police are using a new law meant to curb Black Lives Matter and environment…
British police are using a new law meant to curb Black Lives Matter and environment…
Digitalisering af den offentlige sektor har åbenlyse fordele, men der er også store udfordringer i…
Author Salman Rushdie spent years hiding because Iran’s religious leaders wanted him dead for a…
Hvem er årets juridiske nytænker? Justitia er igen med til at uddele Karnovs Nytænkerpris 2022…
“Democracies must understand that, in the digital age, it’s impossible to effectively shield citizens from…
Introduction In May this year, the Fourth Section of the European Court of Human Rights…
Jacob Mchangama er udpeget som Senior Fellow ved den amerikanske NGO Foundation for Individual Rights…
The most surprising thing about the cowardly attack on Salman Rushdie at the Chautauqua Institution…
Hos den uafhængige juridiske tænketank Justitia har man dog ikke armene i vejret over videreudviklingen…
Her kan du følge medieomtalen til rapporten “Retssikkerhed for digitalt udsatte borgere” – Den Digitale…