Search Results: (245)

Justitia i medierne

…te er blot nogle få eksempler på, hvordan retssystemet indeholder en række barrierer, der vanskeliggør adgangen til domstolene. Det er i den forbindelse paradoksalt, at vi inden for f.eks. sundhedsområdet værger os mod enhver form for brugerbetaling, men at vi samtidig accepterer, at det kan være ruinerende at få en sag prøvet ved domstolene, selv om adgangen til domstolene er helt afgørende for vores retsstat. Set i lyset af ovenstående er der be…


Download: Fortsat skæv balance i adgangen til skattedomme Forudsigelighed i myndighedernes afgørelser forudsætter, at borgere og virksomheder har adgang til regler og praksis på området. Det gælder ikke mindst på skatteområdet, som er præget af stor kompleksitet, og hvor hurtig adgang til domstolenes afgørelser kan være afgørende for skatteydernes mulighed for at indrette sig efter reglerne. Justitia har tidligere undersøgt balancen mellem henhol…


…riots, How the French Revolution briefly brought free speech and democracy back with the establishment of the Batavian Republic How Burkes “Reflections on the Revolution in France” unleashed a British pamphlet war for and against the principles of the French Revolution How Thomas Paine´s reply to Burke – “Rights of Man” – became the world’s highest selling book and spread the idea of democratic reform to the masses How Prime Minister William Pitt…


…allerede året efter spærrede for tilgangen til bloggen fra alle offentlige computere på Cuba. Imidlertid har Yoani Sánchez’ ord og tanker takket være internettet ikke været til at stoppe – hver af hendes blogindlæg bliver løbende oversat af frivillige verden over til 15 sprog. Yoani Sánchez lever en tilværelse med chikane og mistænkeliggørelse fra de cubanske myndigheder. Hun har ikke noget egentligt arbejde, men ernærer sig periodisk som tolk for…


…riots, How the French Revolution briefly brought free speech and democracy back with the establishment of the Batavian Republic How Burkes “Reflections on the Revolution in France” unleashed a British pamphlet war for and against the principles of the French Revolution How Thomas Paine´s reply to Burke – “Rights of Man” – became the world’s highest selling book and spread the idea of democratic reform to the masses How Prime Minister William Pitt…


…shed in 1641 and what were the consequences? What happened at the Putney Debates? How radical were the Levellers’ demands for free speech and liberty of conscience? Did John Milton really become a censor himself? Why did traditionalists refer to pamphlets and books as “paper-bullets?” You can subscribe and listen to Clear and Present Danger on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, YouTube, TuneIn, and Stitcher, or download episodes directly from SoundCloud…


…shed in 1641 and what were the consequences? What happened at the Putney Debates? How radical were the Levellers’ demands for free speech and liberty of conscience? Did John Milton really become a censor himself? Why did traditionalists refer to pamphlets and books as “paper-bullets?” You can subscribe and listen to Clear and Present Danger on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, YouTube, TuneIn, and Stitcher, or download episodes directly from SoundCloud…

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