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Socialt udsattes retssikkerhed

…ndt andre Justitsminister Peter Hummelgaard: “Lovgivningen [fra 2019] har haft en effekt, men når det er sagt, vil jeg gerne understrege, at vi ikke er i mål endnu. Det er en relativt ny bestemmelse, og derfor er det også positivt, at organisationer som Justitia bidrager til at kvalificere debatten.” Kriminolog i Justitia Malte Kolze siger bl.a. til Politiken: “Hvis gerningsmanden også har udøvet fysisk vold, kan det føre til, at politiet fokusere…


…loo How the Carlsbad Decrees centralized preventive censorship and limited academic freedom across the German Confederation How German writers like Heinrich Heine and Karl Marx fought an uphill battle against censorship and repression How European censorship was driven by a fear of the increasingly literate masses How the British government used the crimes of seditious and blasphemous libel to harass and intimidate political radicals and reformers…

Justitia i medierne

…sources and overwhelming coercive powers, democratic governments generally accept that their actions are scrutinized, criticized, and ridiculed by the media, opposition, and ordinary citizens. Outspoken critics of Boris Johnson or Emmanuel Macron don’t have to zealously guard their teacups for fear of being poisoned, as happens routinely to critics of Vladimir Putin in Russia, nor are they at risk of being dismembered by a death squad, as happened…


…en as the harbinger of humanity’s inevitable march toward progress. It had become synonymous with radical forces of destruction drowning monarchy, tradition, and religion in the blood of kings, aristocrats, and nuns. With the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, conservatives and monarchs were firmly back in power — and they had no intention of letting go. Never again were those rulers who put down wild-eyed revolutionaries like mad dogs going to allow rad


…uttede CEPOS, at den årlige Frihedspris på 300.000 kr. skulle tildeles Ali Abdulemam for hans mangeårige kamp for retten til at ytre sig kritisk om det styre, han selv er opvokset under, og ikke mindst hans forsvar for menneskerettigheder og demokrati. Tidligere på måneden blev det offentliggjort, at den kendte bahrainske blogger, Ali Abdulemam, succesfuldt var flygtet ud af sit hjemland efter at have levet under jorden siden 2011. Derfor har det…

Press Coverage

…ding oxygen to the political guerrilla tactics of Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey finally decided that fanning the flames of violent insurrection through a firehose of incendiary falsehoods violated their terms of service (sort of). From a purely legal point of view, Facebook and Twitter were on solid ground. The First Amendment might be the most protective free speech standard in the world, but this bulwark of liberty protects the s…

Press Coverage

…h laws. They’re inspiring autocrats. Nothing more sharply differentiates liberal democracies from authoritarian regimes than the former’s commitment to freedom of expression. Despite controlling vast bureaucracies with near-infinite resources and overwhelming coercive powers, democratic governments generally accept that their actions are scrutinized, criticized, and ridiculed by the media, opposition, and ordinary citizens. Outspoken critics of Bo…

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