Tech for Democracy 2021: Whose standards? Attitudes to Free Speech and the Future of Content Moderation
The future of Free Speech is hosting a session at Tech Democracy 2021. Whose standards?…
The future of Free Speech is hosting a session at Tech Democracy 2021. Whose standards?…
Vær med, når vi kårer dette års nytænker ved uddelingen af Karnovs Nytænkerpris Denne aften…
The Liberal International Human Rights Committee (LI HRC) was proud to welcome Jacob Mchangama, an expert…
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 – 11:30-12:30 Vienna City Hall – Steinsaal II How to find…
Date and Time: June 8, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm Eastern Time Facilitator: Jacob Mchangama…
Social media and other platforms are under growing pressure to moderate and take down content…
The 19th-century political philosopher John Stuart Mill warned that the greatest threat to free expression…
Ny virkelighed Vi er på vej ind i en ny algoritmisk virkelighed. Kunstig intelligens, skabt…
CPH:DOX lancerer årets Science-program i samarbejde med IDA og Politiken den 31. marts med eksklusiv…
Justitias Henrik Rothe forelage Justitias anbefalinger til ændring af konkurrenceloven for Erhvervsudvalget. “Hvis man kigger…