Tale: Ankestyrelsens retssikkerhedskonference
Tale til Ankestyrelsens retssikkerhedskonference den 8. juni 2023. Af Justitias direktør Birgitte Arent EirikssonTak for…
Tale til Ankestyrelsens retssikkerhedskonference den 8. juni 2023. Af Justitias direktør Birgitte Arent EirikssonTak for…
Tid: Torsdag den 11. maj 2023 fra kl. 9.00 – 12.00 Sted: Folketingets Fællessal, Christiansborg,…
The Future Free Speech are invting you to morning webinar on freedom of expression and…
“The Future of Free Speech” Conference (In Person and Online) 15th December 2022, Danish Parliament…
Join our tech Lawyer Raghav Mendiratta on Wednesday, October 26, at 10 a.m. ET /…
Jacob gave a talk about the deeper conclusions of his book at the Czech book…
The stakes could not be higher for finding a solution for how to regulate the…
We are hosting a session at the 2022 Rightscon.
Justitia deltage på Folkemødet. Vi arrangere en debat i Institut for Menneskerretigheders telt med titlen…
Freedom of speech is hailed as the ‘first freedom’, the bedrock of democracy, but it…